by Paul White
Most of the plants and flowers I photograph are situated on fertile meadows surrounding the village where we live in Transylvania. These meadows provide nutritional grazing for local livestock and a rich and vital food supply for honey bees. It is also common to see villagers picking flowers, herbs and plants for use in medicinal teas and syrups, local knowledge passed down through the generations.
As insecticides have never been used on these meadows, bees do not have to fly far to feed and pollinate, leading to a rich and biodiverse environment. Every square metre of meadow provides an incredible abundance of flower and insect species, rarely seen in my native country of England. This stark comparison leaves little doubt in my mind that habitat loss directly equates to a decline in honey bee numbers, cross pollination and biodiversity.
Most of the plants and flowers I photograph are situated on fertile meadows surrounding the village where we live in Transylvania. These meadows provide nutritional grazing for local livestock and a rich and vital food supply for honey bees. It is also common to see villagers picking flowers, herbs and plants for use in medicinal teas and syrups, local knowledge passed down through the generations.
As insecticides have never been used on these meadows, bees do not have to fly far to feed and pollinate, leading to a rich and biodiverse environment. Every square metre of meadow provides an incredible abundance of flower and insect species, rarely seen in my native country of England. This stark comparison leaves little doubt in my mind that habitat loss directly equates to a decline in honey bee numbers, cross pollination and biodiversity.
As a keen naturalist albeit with a limited knowledge in botany I am grateful to those readers which have assisted me in identifying many of the species listed below, providing a useful resource on Carpathian meadow flora. If you have any additional data that you believe would enhance this page further, please do not hesitate to contact me.
1. Latin name: Centaurea Cyanus
Common name: Cornflower
Information supplied by: Ugron Ákos Gábor and Debby Simpson
Cross reference 1 + 2
1. Latin name: Centaurea Cyanus
Common name: Cornflower
Information supplied by: Ugron Ákos Gábor and Debby Simpson
Cross reference 1 + 2
2. Latin name: Thymus Praecox
Common name: Wild Thyme
Information supplied by: Ugron Ákos Gábor and Debby Simpson
Cross reference 1 + 2
4. Latin name: Centaurea Jacea
Common name: Brown Knapweed
Information supplied by: Ugron Ákos Gábor
Cross reference 1 + 2
5. Latin name: Agrostis Capillaris
Common name: Browntop, Common Bent
Information supplied by: Attila Lengyel
Cross reference: 1 + 2
6. Latin name: Trifolium Pratensis
Common name: Red Clover
Information supplied by: Ugron Ákos Gábor & David Martins
Cross reference 1 + 2
7. Latin name: Lathyrus Tuberosus
Common name: Earthnut Pea
Information supplied by: Ugron Ákos Gábor
Cross reference 1 + 2
8. Latin name: Euonymus europaeus
Common name: European spindle
Information supplied by: David Lovejoy
Cross reference
9. Latin name: Convolvulus arvensis
Common name: Field Bindweed
Information supplied by: Luciano Arcorace
Cross reference
10. Latin name: Arrhenatherum elatius
Common name: False oat-grass, Tall oat-grass, Tall meadow oat
Information supplied by: Attila Lengyel
Cross reference
11. Latin name: Galium Verum
Common name: Lady's Bedstraw
Information supplied by: Ugron Ákos Gábor
Cross reference 1 + 2
12. Latin name: Ononis Spinosa
Common name: Spiny Rest Harrow
Information supplied by: Ugron Ákos Gábor
Cross reference: 1 + 2
13. Latin name: Knautia Arvensis
Common name: Field Scabious
Information supplied by: Karen McKeown + Lee Dittmann
Cross reference: 1 + 2
14. Latin name: Anacamptis morio
Common name: Green-winged orchid
15. Latin name: Vicia Cassubica
Common name: Vetch
Information supplied by: Ugron Ákos Gábor
Cross reference 1 + 2
16. Latin name: Lotus corniculatus
Common name: Bird's Foot Trefoil
Information supplied by: Attila Lengyel
Cross reference: 1 + 2
17. Latin name: Campanula Patula
Common name: Spreading Bellflower
Information supplied by: Attila Lengyel
Cross reference: 1 + 2
18. Latin name: Dianthus carthusianorum s.l.
Information supplied by: Adrian Indreica
Cross reference: 1
19. Latin name: Leucanthemum Vulgare
Common name: Ox-eye Daisy
Information supplied by: David Martins
Cross reference: 1 + 2
20. Latin name: Scabiosa ochroleuca
Common name: Cream pincushions
Information supplied by: Biró Zsolt
Cross reference: 1 + 2
21. Latin name: Senecio Jacobaea
Common name: Common Ragwort, Ragweed, Tansy Ragwort, Staggerweed, Stinking Willie
Information supplied by: David Martins
Cross reference
22. Latin name: Cuscuta sp.
Common name: Dodder
Information supplied by: Lee Dittmann
Cross reference: 1+ 2
23. Latin name: Typha Latifolia
Common name: Cat tail, Reedmace, Bullrush
Information supplied by: Paul Bibby
Cross reference: 1 + 2
24. Latin name: Calamagrostis epigeios
Common name: Chee Reed Grass
Information supplied by: Attila Lengyel
Cross reference: 1 + 2
25. Latin name: Peucedanum oreoselinum (L.) Moench?
Common name: Mountain-parsley
Information supplied by: Adrian Indreica
Cross reference
26. Latin name: Saponaria Officinalis
Common name: Soapwort
Information supplied by: Lee Dittmann
Cross reference: 1 + 2
27. Latin name: Polygonum Persicaria
Common name: Red Leg
Information supplied by: Lee Dittmann
Cross reference: 1 + 2
28. Latin name: Arctium Lappa
Common name: Great Burdock
Information supplied by: David Martins & Paul Bibby
Cross reference: 1 + 2
29. Latin name: Campanula rapunculoides
Common name: Creeping or Rampion Bellflower
Information supplied by: Adrian Indreica
Cross reference: 1 + 2
30. Latin name: Galeopsis speciosa
Common name: Large-flowered hemp-nettle
Information supplied by:
Cross reference
31. Latin name: Frangula Alnus
Common name: Alder Buckthorn
Information supplied by: Tobias Weidenlener
Cross reference: 1 + 2
32. Latin name: Gypsophila muralis
Common name: Gypsy Rose
Information supplied by: Attila Lengyel
Cross reference: 1 + 2
33. Latin name: Phyteuma vagneri
Common name: Rampion
Information supplied by: Tobias Weidenlener
Cross reference
34. Latin name: Silene vulgaris
Common name: bladder campion
Information supplied by: Adrian Indreica
Cross reference
35. Latin name: Sambucus Racemosa
Common name: Red Elder
Information supplied by: Ugron Ákos Gábor
Cross reference: 1 + 2
36. Latin name: Campanula glomerata
Common name: Clustered Bellflower
Information supplied by: Craioveanu Cristina
Cross reference
37. Latin name: Scorzonera rosea
Information supplied by: Adrian Indreica
Cross reference
38. Latin name: Verbascum Densiflorum
Common name: Denseflower Mullein
Information supplied by: Tobias Weidenlener
Cross reference
39. Latin name: Pilosella Aurantiaca
Common name: Fox-and-cubs, Orange Hawkweed, Tawny Hawkweed, Devil's Paintbrush, Grim-the-collier
Information supplied by: Tobias Weidenlener
Cross reference
40. Latin name: Viola tricolor
Common name: Heartsease
Information supplied by: Ugron Ákos Gábor
Cross reference 1 + 2
41. Latin name: Centaurium erythraea
Common names: Common centaury - European centaury
Information supplied by: Rosemary Brookman
Cross reference
42. Latin name: Cichorium intibus
Common name: Chicory
Information supplied by: Ugron Ákos Gábor
Cross reference
43. Latin name: Securigera varia
Common name: Crown Vetch
Information supplied by: Attila Lengyel
Cross reference: 1 + 2
44. Latin name: Pseudolysimachion spicatum
Common name: Spiked Speedwell
Information supplied by: Attila Lengyel
Cross reference: 1 + 2
45. Latin name: Lysimachia Vulgaris
Common name: Yellow Loosestrife
Information supplied by: Attila Lengyel
Cross reference: 1 + 2
46. Latin name: Medicago sativa
Common name: Alfalfa
Information supplied by: Attila Lengyel
Cross reference: 1 + 2
47. Latin name: Asperula cynanchica
Common name: Squinancy Wort
Information supplied by: Attila Lengyel
Cross reference: 1 + 2
48. Latin name: Cirsium sp.
Common name: Thistle
Information supplied by: Havadtői Krisztina
Cross reference
49. Latin name: Ajuga reptans
Common name: Common Bugle
Cross reference
50. Latin name: Euphorbia cyparissias
Common name: Cypress Spurge
Information supplied by: Chris Thody
Cross reference
51. Latin name: Chamaecytisus hirsutus
Common name: Clustered Broom or Hairy Broom
Information supplied by: Emese Hlacs
Cross reference
52. Latin name: Veronica prostrata
Common name: Sprawling speedwell
Information supplied by: Chris Thody + Emese Hlacs
Cross reference
53. Latin name: Sambucus ebulus
Common name: Danewort, Dane weed, Danesblood, Dwarf elder or European dwarf elder, Walewort, Elderwort and Blood hilder
Information supplied by: Julian Hoffman
Cross reference
54. Latin name: oxycedrus or deltoides?
Common name: 'Needle-leaf Junipers'
Information supplied by:
Cross reference:
55. Latin name: Fritillaria meleagris
Common name: Snake's head fritillary
Cross reference
56. Latin name: Melampyrum nemorosum
Common name: Wood Cow-wheat
Cross reference
57. Latin name: Monarda didyma
Common name: Crimson beebalm
Cross reference
58. Latin name: Dianthus superbus
Common name:
Cross reference
59. Latin name: Oenothera biennis
Common name: Common evening-primrose
Cross reference
60. Latin name: Clinopodium vulgare
Common name: Wild basil
Cross reference
61. Latin name: Scilla bifolia
Common name: Alpine squill
Cross reference
62. Latin name: Achilea Millefolium
Common name: Yarrow
Information supplied by: David Martins
Cross reference: 1 + 2
63. Latin name: Impatiens noli-tangere
Common name: Touch-me-not Balsam
Cross reference
Updated on May 20th, 2020